
Eye Candy and Wise Decisions

Did I tell you we're looking at houses?

We are. Nothing serious yet but we are considering/hoping/dreaming of moving to a new home this year or next. We need to move closer to C's place of work and we've been in this house for a little over nine years. Would be nice to have a change.

If it were up to me and if I had the budget, I would get this Tord Boontje garland light and hang it in our new living room. It would be the first new thing I'd buy for the would-be new house.

I've been lusting for it since last year. I might even have reserved one in a shop somewhere. Hehe. But at almost 5K, C couldn't be convinced to buy it, practical guy that he is. I should just make one, he said. Haha. I wish I could!

I first saw it when my former boss and I were looking for accessories to decorate our new store space with. The garland light was hanging in a corner of the decor store and seeing it made my heart skip a beat.

Checking the price, I told her C would probably frown upon such purchase. She said it's like buying art. It's something you'll love for a long time, a well thought of piece, and not just some mass produced copy.

In these challenging times, buying a flimsy, whimsy light like this would be impractical. But wouldn't buying something cheap and fleeting be equally bad as well?

Personally, I've limited my shopping to almost zero*, choosing to having stuff made and wearing what I sell. If I do buy anything, it has to be something I know I will use for many years, fad-proof and well-made. I think that's a good guide.

Which brings me back to the Tord Boontje light. :)

*yes, this is correct! the only luxury i allow myself now are bags of Kettle Chips. :)


Anonymous said...

okay you'll get your tord boontje once we move into our new house. this latest entry's really intended for me, right? haha.


makescoffeenervous said...

hahaha! :)