
Acupuncture Session 5

I just came from my fifth acupuncture session. It's good to go on a Monday. The place was almost empty and I was led to a cubicle soon as I got in.

Sister Liu seems less rushed too and I had time to ask her some questions. When she asked me to stick out my tongue (every session starts with Sister Liu checking your tongue), I asked if I looked healthier and she said yes. Yehey! I'm so happy. I do feel healthier. Thank You Lord.

She asked about my period and asked when I was going to see my OB. Our OB didn't tell us to see her before getting pregnant again so I guess we don't need to go. Although I kinda want to go. C says he thinks there's nothing the OB can do until we get a positive pregnancy kit. What do you think? Ah well. Praying for wisdom in this area.

The needles on my head hurt a bit last Saturday. I think it was because C made me laugh. He can't help it sometimes. He's just funny without even trying. Today I hardly felt the needles. Maybe best to go to acupuncture alone after all. Haha.

The acupuncture cubicles remind me somehow of a confessional. You can hear Sister Liu asking questions and sometimes you catch what the patients are saying. I notice old men have a hard time talking softly. The whole place has no choice but to hear about their ailments, and even regularity of bowel movements! Hahahaha!

In the cubicle next to mine today was a girl who was there to be treated for infertility. I caught the words IVF and progesterone in her conversation with Sister Liu. I felt for her. I think it's tough to miscarry but I can't even begin to imagine how so much more frustrating it feels when you can't get pregnant. Sister Liu, our immunologist and even the staff at the lab all say we're fortunate that we get pregnant naturally. I know that is a blessing. But I also don't want to be just a "pregnancy factory" producing "defects". I don't know if you understand what I'm saying. Ah well.

In the cubicle I was in, there was a small framed picture of Anne Geddes babies. I tried to imagine which one of those babies would look like our baby (God-willing) and I zeroed in on the chubby sleepy head. Haha. She seemed the most comfy and relaxed.

No word yet from the lab on our LAT results. The suspense is killing me. Although C is kinda inclined to try already. We'll see. Praying for wisdom and patience.

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